Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment of Malignant Tumor Complicating Herpes Zoster
PUBLISHED: 2015-11-30  2779 total views, 2 today

Feng Liao

Department of Medical Oncology, PLA Cancer Center, The eighty-firsthospital of People's Liberation Army, Nanjing.


Objective: Toexplore the diagnosis and treatment of patients with malignant tumorcomplicated with herpes zoster. Method: Collectfrom Jan 01, 2010 to 2010 on June 1 floor, 89 cases of herpes zoster patients, and27 patients with malignant tumor. All patients initially with skin tingling, orburning sensation, found that after 1 week of pain in dense clusters of size toblisters. Treatment methods using partial extraction fluid, physical therapy, compound calamine lotion and human recombinant interferon alpha 2b ointment oroutside human recombinant interferon alpha 2b alternating injection on herpes. Ganciciovir antiviral. Cimetidine, mushrooms polysaccharide and Zadaxin improve immunity. Vitamin B12 nerve nutrition, celebrex or pregabalin, pain treatment.Curative effect judgment standard reference in 1994, the state administrationof traditional Chinese medicine and traditional Chinese medicine industry standards of the People’s Republic of China standard of disease diagnosis curative effect of traditional Chinese medicine. Result: Recovery of 20 cases (74.1%), 5 cases were markedly improved (18.5%), improvement in 2 cases (7%), invalid 0 cases. Conclusion: The patients of Malignant tumor patients complicated with herpes zoster that need to clinical early detection, early intervention, through comprehensive treatment, early for anti-tumor treatment, so as to improve the prognosis of patients.

Key Wordsmalignant tumor  herpes zoster

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