
The Chinese Society of Clinical Oncology(CSCO) founded in 1997, is a non-profit professional academic group voluntarilyformed by clinical oncologists, related enterprises and institutions. CSCO has longbeen committed to carrying out Continuing Medical Education and multi-center collaborativeresearch in clinical oncology, promoting the standardization of tumor diagnosisand treatment, and improving the academic level of clinical oncology in China. Atpresent, CSCO has more than 30,000 individual members and nearly 200 groupmembers or strategic partners, of which individual members are from nationaland some international practitioners or nurses engaged in clinical oncology diagnosisand treatment, and group members include international and domestic famous enterprisesand professional media. For more than 20 years, CSCO has resolutely implementedthe major decision-making and deployment of the party and the country, followedthe fundamental purpose of unity, cooperation and pragmatism, adhered to the guidingprinciples of academia, public welfare and dedication, and widely united and servedclinical oncologists and relevant enterprises and institutions across the countrywith the work concept of service, coordination and guidance, carried out academicactivities from all angles, organized continuing education in clinical oncologyfor medical practitioners, edited and published medical academic journals, popularizedmedical scientific knowledge and undertook the transfer of some government functions.

With the continuous development and the continuousexpansion and improvement of its functions, CSCO has now become the most activeprofessional academic organization in the clinical oncology field in China, withthe advantages and characteristics of talent gathering, intelligence intensive,smooth information, strong cohesion and creativity, etc., and is one of the mostwell-known and authoritative medical science and technology academic groups in China,and has a far-reaching impact on the international clinical oncology community.

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