申请ASCO Conquer Cancer基金
PUBLISHED: 2023-07-27   2575 total views, 2 today

TheConquer Cancer®,ASCO基金会赠款和奖励计划支持充满智慧的您参与肿瘤学各方面的研究,从预防和诊断到治疗和生存。这些赠款与奖励机会旨在支持世界各地不同职业阶段的肿瘤学家,增加肿瘤学领域的多样性,解决癌症差异,并加强对低和低中等收入国家肿瘤学家的培养。




Trainees and EarlyCareer Faculty

Young Investigator Award (YIA)

Supports promising physicians making thetransition from the final years of training to faculty appointment. Encouragesand promotes quality research in clinical oncology.

Applications are due September 21, 2023, by 11:59PM (ET).

Global Oncology Young Investigator Award(GO YIA)

Supports early-career investigators toconduct quality research in global oncology.

Letters of Intent are due September 21, 2023,by 11:59 PM (ET).


Early CareerFaculty

Career Development Award (CDA)

Supports clinical investigators as they workto establish an independent clinical cancer research program.

Applications are due October 19, 2023, by11:59 PM (ET).


Women Mentors

Women Who Conquer Cancer (WWCC) MentorshipAwards

Recognizes extraordinary women leaders inoncology and role models who have excelled as a mentor and have demonstratedoutstanding commitment to the professional development of women colleagues asclinicians, educators, and researchers in oncology.

Nominations are due December 15, 2023, by11:59 PM (ET).


Low- andMiddle-Income Countries (LMICs)

International Innovation Grant (IIG)

Funds novel and innovative projects that canhave a significant impact on cancer control in LMICs. Letters of Intent aredue August 31, 2023, by 11:59 PM (ET).

International Development and EducationAward (IDEA)

Supports early-career oncologists in LMICsthrough a mentorship program. Facilitates the sharing of knowledge between theaward recipients and ASCO members.

Applications are due October 2, 2023, by11:59 PM (ET).

Long-term International Fellowship (LIFe)

Provides early-career oncologists in LMICsthe support and resources needed to advance their training by deepening theirrelationship with a mentor at a host institution in the United States, Canada,or Europe.

Applications are due January 31, 2024, by11:59 PM (ET).

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