A Randomized Phase II Study Evaluating the Activity of Bevacizumab in Combinatio
PUBLISHED: 2015-11-30  2309 total views, 2 today

Xinan Sheng1,  LuSi2,  Zhihong Chi2,  Chuanliang Cui2,  Siming Li2,  Lili Mao2, Bin Lian2, Bixia Tang2,  Xieqiao Yan2,  Xuan Wang2,  Yan Kong2,  Jie Dai2, XS Zhang3,  X Song4,  Jun Guo2

1Department of Renal cancer and Melanoma, ChinaPeking University Cancer Hospital & Institute, Beijing.

2China Peking University Cancer Hospital& Institute, Beijing

3China Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center,Guangzhou

4China Yunan Tumor Hospital Cancer Center,Shanghai


Objective: Mucosalmelanoma is rare in Caucasian population but account for 25% in Asianpopulation. It is usually associated with extremely poor prognosis. No standardtreatment for advanced mucosal melanoma has been established. BEAM study hasshown the potential effectiveness of bevacizumab combined with carboplatin plus paclitaxel in patients with previously untreated advanced cutaneous melanoma. This study aimed to evaluate the activity of bevacizumab combined with carboplatin plus paclitaxel in patients with previously untreated advancedmucosal melanoma. Method: This study is an open-label, multi-center,randomizedphase II trial. Eligible patients had metastatic,recurrentor unresectable mucosal melanoma without previous systemic therapy. Additionalinclusion criteria included: ≥1 measurable disease, ECOGPS 0/1,and adequate hematological, renal, and hepatic functions. The patient with mutations in C-KIT or BRAF (treated withtargeted therapy) will be excluded from this study. Patients were randomly allocated in a 1: 1 ratio to receive intravenous infusion of bevacizumab (CPBarm,5mg/kg every two weeks) or placebo(CP arm) in combination with carboplatin (area under the curve,5) plus paclitaxel (175 mg/m2). Treatment was continued for both groups until occurrence of disease progression, unacceptable toxicity, death or withdrawal of consent. Theprimary study endpoint is progress-free survival (PFS). Overall survival, diseasecontrol rate, and safety will also be assessed. Result:The first patient visit was on December 1, 2013. Fifty-seven of a planned 182 evaluable pts have been enrolled: 63.2% female, medianage 58. They were randomly assigned to the CBP (n=29) or CP arm (n=28). The median follow-up time was 11 months, and the median progression-free survival was 6.3 months and 3.1 monthsrespectively. There was significant difference in mPFS between CPB and CP arm (P=0.023). The objective response rate was 10.3% and 7.4% respectively. The median overall survival has not been reached. Treatment emergent grade 3 or 4 adverse events were neutropenia (13.8%), hypertension(3.4%), proteinuria (3.4%) in the PCB arm, andneutropenia (7.4%) in the PC arm. Conclusion: The primary data show that bevacizumab combined with carboplatin plus paclitaxel might benefit for patients with advanced mucosal melanoma. More advanced mucosal melanoma patients will be enrolled in this study.

KeyWords: Melanoma

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