Clinical response, progression-free survival(PFS), and safety in patients (pts)
PUBLISHED: 2015-11-30  2392 total views, 2 today

F. stephen Hodi1, Michael a Postow2, Jason Chesney3, Anna c. Pavlick4Caroline Robert5, Kenneth Grossmann6, David Mcdermott7, Gerald Linette8Jeffrey k. Giguere9, Sanjiv s. Agarwala10, Montaser Shaheen11, Marc s. Ernstoff12David Minor13, April k. Salama14, Matthew Taylor15, Patrick a. Ott16Christine Horak17, Paul Gagnier18, Jeddd. Wolchok2

1Oncology, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, MA, USA, 2New York, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and Weill Cornell Medical College, 3University of Louisville, J Graham Brown Cancer Center, 4Perlmutter Cancer Center New York, New York University, 5Roussy and Paris-Sud University, Gustave, 6Salt Lake City, Huntsman Cancer Institute, 7Boston, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, 8St Louis, Washington University, 9Toulouse, Institut Universitaire du Cancer, 10Greenville, Greenville Health System, 11NM, University of New Mexico, 12Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Taussig Cancer Institute, 13San Francisco,California Pacific Center for Melanoma Research, 14Durham, Duke University, 15Portland, Oregon Health & Science University, 16Boston, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, 17Princeton, Bristol-Myers Squibb, 18Wallingford, Bristol-Myers Squibb


Objective:Combined blockade of T-cell checkpoints byNIVO and IPI demonstrated a high objective response rate (ORR), promisingoverall survival (OS) and a manageable safety profile in pts with advanced MELin a phase I study, based on which an appropriate dose was selected forregistrational trials. We report efficacy and safety of the NIVO + IPI combinationvs IPI alone in treatment-naïve pts with advanced MEL, including pts with poorprognostic factors, in a phase II study. Method: Pts (N=142) withmetastatic or unresectable MEL were randomized 2:1 to receive IPI 3 mg/kgcombined with either NIVO 1 mg/kg or placebo Q3W × 4, followed by NIVO 3 mg/kgor placebo Q2W until disease progression or unacceptable toxicity. The primaryendpoint was ORR in BRAF wild-type (WT) pts. Secondary and exploratoryobjectives included PFS in BRAF WT pts, ORR and PFS in BRAF V600mutation-positive (MT) pts, and safety. Result: In BRAF WT pts (n=109)ORR was 60% (43/72) for NIVO + IPI; 11% (4/37) for IPI alone (P<0.0001);complete responses were reported in 12 (17%) and 0 pts, respectively. MedianPFS was 8.9 months for the combination vs 4.7 months for IPI alone (P=0.0012).Higher ORR was observed for NIVO + IPI vs IPI in predefined pt subgroups withpoor prognostic factors, such as elevated baseline LDH (53% vs 0%) and M1cstage disease (62% vs 25%). Similar ORR and PFS results were observed in 33BRAF MT pts. Grade 3–4 drug-related adverse events (AEs) were reported in 51%of pts receiving NIVO + IPI vs 20% for IPI alone. The safety profile of NIVO +IPI was similar across pt subgroups, including age. Select AEs related to the combinationregimen were consistent with phase I reports and most resolved withimmunosuppressive medication (>83% across organ categories) with theexception of endocrinopathies. Updated results from a planned data analysis inMarch, 2015 will be presented. Conclusion: NIVO + IPI significantlyimproved ORR and PFS compared with IPI alone and had a manageable safetyprofile. The efficacy and safety of the combination was similar across ptsubgroups and provided a favorable risk-benefit ratio in treatment-naïve ptswith advanced MEL. Clinical trial information: NCT0927419 Reused withpermission from the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO). This abstractwas accepted and previously presented at the 2015 ASCO Annual Meeting. Allrights reserved.


Key Words: melanoma  nivolumab ipilimumab

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