Development and testing of an Intelligent Pain Management System (IPMS) for canc
PUBLISHED: 2015-11-30  2474 total views, 2 today

Qian Huang, Gang Ding

Oncology Department, Xinhua Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine Chongming Branch


Objective:To achieve this objective, we designed,developed and tested an intelligent pain management system (IPMS) to facilitate real-time pain recording and intervention in Chinese cancer pain patient. Method:46 patients with cancer pain symptom were recruited at Oncology Center ofXinhua Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of MedicineChongming Branch. Before randomization, participates completed pain managementknowledge questionnaire and evaluated baseline pain assessment and KarnofskyPerformance Status (KPS) evaluation. Then patients were randomized into twogroups (IPMS group and control groups). After 14 days, cancer pain assessmentdata was collected by IPMS in trial group, whereas data of control group wascollected by conventional methods such as telephone or door to door visit. IPMS satisfaction evaluation questionnaire were conducted following a 2-week trial,whereas the pain management knowledge questionnaire and KPS evaluation wererepeated again by all the participants at the end of trial. Result: Allpatient completed the trial successfully. The feasibility of IPMS usage wasvery favorable with an average of 2.37+0.53 pain assessment times per day. Allparticipant indicated they liked IPMS. Both group had similar pain scoreand KPS at baseline. The mean pain score in IPMS group was 2.53+0.42, whereasthe mean level in control group was significantly higher (2.81+0.47), P(68.8+7.23vs 56.2+7.4, P<0.01). For the pain management knowledge questionnaire, there was 2.96+0.61 score increase in IPMS group compared0.81+0.67 in the control group after using the IPMS for two weeks. Conclusion:The result demonstrated IPMS was a feasible, usable and effective pain management tool when used by cancer patient with pain for 14 days. This studyprovided preliminary data to show the potential of IPMS to monitor prompt cancer pain and to provide real-time supportive intervention at a convenient basis and low cost. Overall, the IPMS can serve as a reliable and effective approach to control cancer pain and improve quality of life in cancer pain patients.


KeyWords: Cancer pain  Intelligent System  Intervention

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