Clinical Research of Primary Laryngeal Mucosa-associated Lymphoid Tissue Lymphom
PUBLISHED: 2015-11-30  2150 total views, 1 today

Min Liu, Bailong Liu, Bin Liu, Shuo Yang, Qiang Wang, Xueying Bao, Lihua Dong

Department of Radiation Oncology, the First Hospital, Jilin University


Objective:Primary laryngeal mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) lymphoma is extremely rare. To date, clinical research has been focused on extranodal MALT lymphomas including many sites such as stomach, lung, ocular adnexal, thyroid, parotid gland and so on. There is no retrospective report about primary laryngeal MALT lymphoma. Our research is to identify the clinical characteristics and optimal treatment strategy of this unique entity. Method: An extensive search was carried out in Pubmed database using the following key words: ‘larynx and mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma' in the English language literature. Only cases with defiite pathologic diagnosis of MALT lymphoma were enrolled. A total of 18 cases of primary laryngeal MALT lymphoma were described in case reports between 1990 and 2014. Data were retrieved according to characteristics such as age, gender, stage, B symptom, site, treatment strategy, treatment response and disease free survival (DFS). Result: The mean patient age at diagnosis was 53 years (range, 34-73). Primary laryngeal MALT lymphoma showed a minor predilection for female individuals (F:M, 1.57:1). Ann Arbor stage I patients accounted for 76.47%. All the patients didn't manifest B symptom. Supraglottic area was the most common primary site, accounting for 72.22%. The proportion of patients who underwent surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy was 66.67%, 50%, 50%, respectively. 93.33% of the patients attained complete remission (CR) response. Among them, 2 patients didn't respond to chemotherapy, however, switch to radiotherapy achieved CR. The mean DFS was 24.07 months. Conclusion: Primary laryngeal MALT lymphoma is radiosensitive. Radiotherapy is the first option because medium-dose radiotherapy can guarantee high-rate CR response and favorable DFS.


Key Words: larynx  mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma

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