Ning Li, Binbin Tu, Rong Zhang, Xiaoguang Li, Bin Li, Shaokang Ma, Lingying Wu
Department of Gynecology, Cancer Hospital Chinese Academy of MedicalSciences, Beijing.
Objective:Bulkylocal tumor (≥100px) is a poor prognostic factor for early stage cervical cancerpatients. Most of the locally advanced cervical cancer patients needpostoperative radiotherapy. However, some tumors shrink obviously afterneo-adjuvant treatment. Thus, whether this subgroup of the patients’ needspostoperative therapy remains unclear. The aim of our study is to evaluate therole of postoperative adjuvant treatment in stage IB2/IIA2 cervical cancerpatients without pathological risk factors afterneo-adjuvant treatment followedby radical surgery. Method:Themedical records of the patients referred to Cancer Hospital, Chinese Academy ofMedical Sciences between Jan 1st, 2000 and Dec 31st, 2010with stage IB2/IIA2 cervical cancer who underwent neo-adjuvant chemotherapy ±brachytherapy followed by radical surgery were reviewed. Among these patients, onehundred and three patients who had no risk factor according to pathologicalfindings after surgery were retrospectively analyzed. Result:Medianage at diagnosis was 42 years old. Histological type of 95.1% (98/103) patientswas squamous cell carcinoma, and 4.9% was adenocarcinoma or adenosquamouscarcinoma. 84.5% (87/103) patients were of stage IB2. Seventeen patientsreceived postoperative external pelvic radiotherapy (RT). Fifteen patientsreceived postoperative chemotherapy (CT) for 2-4 cycles, and the remaining 71cases received no postoperative treatment (OB). The median duration offollow-up was 54 (45-82) months. Seven patients had recurrence (2 in RT; 2 inCT; 3 in OB). The overall 5-year recurrence rate (RR) was 6.8%. Five-year RR ofeach group OB, RT and CT were 4.2%, 11.8% and 13.3%, respectively (P=0.351).The overall 2-year and 5-year OS were 98.0% and 96.8%, respectively. Five-yearOS of each group were 98.5% (OB), 86.5% (RT) and 85.7% (CT), respectively (P=0.109).Conclusion:StageIB2/IIA2 cervical cancer patients without pathological risk factors after neo-adjuvant therapy followed by radical surgery had a relatively good prognosis. Thissubgroup of cervical cancer patients might get little benefit frompostoperative adjuvant therapy.
Key Words:cervicalcancer locally advanced stage risk factor
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