MicroRNA-29b Regulates Osteopontin Dependent Metastatic Function in Esophageal C
PUBLISHED: 2015-11-27  2000 total views, 3 today

Bolin Chen, Lin Wu, Juan Du

Thoracic Medicine Department 2, Hunan Cancer Hospital, Changsha.

ObjectiveBioinformaticsanalysis combined with metastasis-related genes microarray array showed thatosteopontin could be important target genes of miR-29b. MethodTheexpression of miR-29b was down regulated in esophageal cancer tissues comparedto the normal tissues. Clinicopathological analysis showed that miR-29b hadsignificant negative correlation with lymphatic metastasis. High-invasion (OE19-H)and low-invasion (OE19 -L) cell sublines from OE19 cells were created by usingthe repeated transwell assay aimed to assess the effect of miR-29b onbiological behavior of esophageal cancer cells. ResultThegain-of-function studies that raised miR-29b expression showed reductions incell proliferation,invasionand migration. In contrasts, loss-of-function studies that reduced miR-29bpromoted proliferation, invasion and migration. Nude mice with xenograft modelsof esophageal cancer cells confirmed that miR-29b inhibited lung cancermetastasis in vivo. Furthermore, the dual-luciferase reporter assaydemonstrated that miR-29b inhibited the expression of the luciferase genecontaining the 3′-UTRs of osteopontin mRNA. Western blotting and Q-PCRindicated that miR-29b down-regulated the expression of osteopontin at theprotein and mRNA levels. Taken together,ourresults demonstrate that miR-29b serves as a tumor metastasis suppressor, whichsuppresses esophageal cancer cell metastasis by directly inhibiting osteopontinexpression. ConclusionTheresults show that miR-29b may be a novel therapeutic candidate target to slowesophageal cancer metastasis.

Key Words:miR29b  esophageal cancer  osteopontin

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