LncRNA specific for distant metastasis of gastric cancer is associated with TRI
PUBLISHED: 2015-11-27  1757 total views, 1 today

Yichao Yan, Yingjiang Ye, KeweiJiang, Chao Shen

Department of Gastroenterological Surgery, PekingUniversity International Hospital


Objective:To identity specific long non-coding RNAs(lncRNAs) involved in distant metastasis of gastric cancer (GC). Method: Differentiallyexpressed mRNAs and lncRNAs between stage IV and non-stage IV GC were obtainedby microarray. Gene Ontology (GO) and pathway analysis were used to studyfunctions of differential mRNAs. Algorithms were used to predict potential genetargets of cis or trans-acting lncRNAs. Network analysis was performed toanalyze each pair of gene-lncRNA, gene-gene or lncRNA-lncRNA interactions.Expression of lncRNA special for distant metastasis of GC (SDMGC) and targetgene TRIM16 were tested in GC tissues and cell lines. RNAi and over-expressionwere used to observe the biological functions of SDMGC and TRIM16 on GC cells. Result:502 mRNAs and 440 lncRNAs were found to be differentially expressed. 74 GOterms and 38 pathways were associated with the dysregulated transcripts.Fourteen core factors were determined by network analysis. Expression of SDMGCand TRIM16 were up-regulated in the distant metastasis tissues, compared toprimary GC tissues, which were positive correlation. Silencing of SDMGC or TRIM16was demonstrated to decrease cell invasion and migration, while up-regulated ofSDMGC or TRIM16 could promote cell invasion and migration. However, littleeffect on proliferation, cell cycle, colony formation and apoptosis were found.Conclusion: SDMGC is obviously up-regulated in stage IV GC and mayrepresent a new marker and therapeutic target for GC treatment.


Key Words: Gastric cancer  LncRNA LOC100507069  Metastasis

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