T2DM susceptible HHEX rs1111875 and rs7923837 variants are associated with CRC R
PUBLISHED: 2015-11-27  1748 total views, 2 today

Sun Rui1, Liu Jian-ping1, Gao Chang1, Lin Mei2, Su Yan-wei1Wang Ya-ping1, Li Min1, Xiong Ling-fan1, Feng Jue-ping1 

1Department of Oncology, PuAi Hospital of Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2Department of Endocrinology, PuAi Hospital of Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology


Objective:To investigate the association of the genetic polymorphisms in HEEX gene, a DM promoting hereditary factor, and the susceptibility and progression of CRC. Method: Two SNPs in HEEX gene were selected and genotyped in a case control study of 642 CRC patients and 570 health controls from a Chinese population. The logistic regression was used to evaluate the genetic association with occurrence and progression of CRC. Result:In DM patients, rs1111875 but not the rs7923837 in HHEX gene was associate with the occurrence of CRC. The rs1111875 and rs7923837 variants of HEEX gene were not only the risk factor of DM, but also the risk factor of CRC. These two HHEX variants were associated with the occurrence of CRC and the association was independent on the occurrence of DM. Conclusion: This finding highlight the potentially functional HHEX rs1111875 and rs7923837 polymorphism may affect CRC susceptibility. Risk effects and the functional impact of these polymorphisms need further validation.


Key Words: CRC  HHEX  T2DM

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