Qian Niansong, Dai Guanghai
Deparment of Oncology, PLA General Hospital
Objective:The aim of this study was to investigatethe clinicopathological and prognostic relevance of metastasis associated withcolon cancer 1 (MACC1), C-Met and terminus tensin-like molecule (CTEN) incarcinoma of the gastroesophageal junction (CGEJ). Method: Clinical dataof CGEJ patients who underwent radical surgery and had complete follow-upinformation from January 2008 to June 2013 were analyzed retrospectively. Theexpression profiles of MACC1, C-Met, CTEN in association with theclinicopathological factors were determined by immunohistochemistry, and theirprognostic values were investigated by comparing the survival rate betweenpositive and negative patients. Result:All 160 patients included in the study were CGEJ with radical Surgery. Themedian follow-up time was 64.7 months. Of the 160 patients, 112 patients (70.0%)had experienced tumor recurrence and metastasis, and 103 (64.4%) patients haddied by the end of the follow-up date (June 31, 2013).The DFS was 18.2 monthsand the OS was 29.3 months. The 5-year overall survival rates were 36.4%. Inaddition, total gastrectomy, thrombosis, TNM stage and postoperative adjuvantchemotherapy were independent risk factors in predicting DFS (P=0.008,0.016, 0.000 and 0.025, respectively) and OS (P=0.003, 0.044, 0.005,0.000 and 0.02, respectively). Moreover, the patients treated withpostoperative adjuvant chemotherapy had a longer survival time (DFS: 28.9months vs 12.2 months, P=0.000; OS: 49.8 months vs 21.7months, P=0.001). There was no difference between patients treated withoxaliplatin or with docetaxel (DFS: 46.6 months vs 18.2 months, P=0.033;OS: 62.3 months vs 29.3 months, P=0.069).Depth of invasion, lymphnode metastasis, thrombosis and poor differentiation were detectedsignificantly more frequently in MACC1 (+) (P=0.000, 0.000, 0.011 and0.02, respectively), C-Met (+) (P=0.000, 0.000, 0.000 and 0.014,respectively) or CTEN (+) (P=0.002, 0.000, 0.000 and 0.014,respectively) group. In addition, MACC1 (+)/C-Met (+)/CTEN (+) group hadsignificantly poorer outcomes than the negative group (OS: did not reach vs15.8 months, P=0.000; DFS: 9.4 months vs 56.9 months, P=0.002).Conclusion: MACC1 (+)/C-Met (+)/CTEN (+) is correlated with unfavorableprognostic outcomes of CGEJ in china. Our data indicate that MACC1, C-Met and CTENexpression levels could help identify a particular subgroup of CGEJ withpotentially poor survival.
KeyWords: carcinoma of thegastroesophageal junction prognos
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