The features, managements and survival of small intestine neuroendocrine tumors
PUBLISHED: 2015-11-27  1635 total views, 1 today

Xiaochuan Guo, Guanghai Dai, Yan Shi, LiChen, Weiwei Shi, Chenxi Li

The Department of Oncology, PLA General Hospital


Objective:To describe and analyze theclinicalpathological features, treatments and survival of Chinese patients withsmall intestine neuroendocrine tumors (SI-NET), and aim to provide reference tothe management of these patients in China. Method: More than 900patients of small intestine primary malignant tumors treated in our hospitalfrom 2007 to 2014, and 32 SI-NET patients had complete clinicalpathologicaldata and definite pathological diagnosis; we retrospectively analyzed theclinicalpathological features and survival of these patients, and analyzed thetreatments of patients with liver metastases. Result: The ratio of maleto female was 1:1 and the median age was 54.5 years. The immunohistochemicalindex CgA had no statistical significance between differentclinicalpathological factors (P>0.05). 53.1% patients died, andpatients with tumor size less than 2.0CM, moderately to high –differentiated,NET, CgA (+), surgery had longer mOS (P<0.05). Surgery is the mosteffective treatment for patients with liver metastases, but there was nosignificance between different operation modes. The OS seemed to be prolongedfor those received postoperative treatments. Conclusion: The incidenceof SI-NETs is very low because of the asymptomatic character. Surgery is themost effective treatment for patients with liver metastases or not.

Key Words: Small intestineneuroendocrine tumor clinicalpathological

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