Safflower polysaccharide inhibits the proliferation and metastasis of breast can
PUBLISHED: 2015-11-27  1862 total views, 2 today

Zhongbing Luo1, Junyi Zhang2

1Department of Oncology, Ganzhou Cancer Hospital, Ganzhou.

2 Department of Oncology, TCM-Integrated Cancer Center of SouthernMedical University, Guangzhou.

ObjectiveBreastcancer accounts for 22.9% of all cancers in women inthe world. Safflowerpolysaccharide is the active fraction purified fromsafflower petals (Carthamustinctorius L.). The aim of our study is to explorethe effects of safflowerpolysaccharide on proliferation and metastasis ofbreast cancer cells. In thecurrent study, cell viability was analyzed by MTTassay after treatment of MCF-7cells with increasing concentrations of safflowerpolysaccharide. The datademonstrated that the compound safflower polysaccharide obviously inhibited theproliferation of human breast cancercell line MCF-7, and the inhibitory effectswere enhanced in a dose and timedependent manner. Meanwhile, the IC50 value ofSPS was detected on breastcancer cells being treated for 72 hours by MTT assayand the IC 50 value wascalculated as 0.12mg/mL for 72 h. Cellapoptosisrate was detected by flow cytometry in human breast cancer cell line MCF-7andthe results revealled that safflower polysaccharide could induce cellapoptosisof the breast cancer MCF-7 cells. The apoptosis rates of MCF-7 cellstreated bySPS were significantly higher than that of the untreated cells, which increasedwith a dose-dependent manner. Next, the expression of Bcl-2 wasdown regulatedand Bax was up-regulated in MCF-7 cells which were treated bysafflowerpolysaccharide in a time dependent manner. Additionally, theexpression ofMMP-9 significantly decreased and the expression of TIMP-1increased in humanbreast cancer MCF-7 cells which were treated by safflowerpolysaccharide. Theresults demonstrated that safflower polysaccharide couldinhibit the metastasisof breast cancer MCF-7 cells. Thus, it would help toclarify the mechanisms andprovide new idea for breast cancer therapy.MethodBreastcancer accounts for 22.9% of all cancers in women inthe world. Safflowerpolysaccharide is the active fraction purified fromsafflower petals (Carthamustinctorius L.). The aim of our study is to explorethe effects of safflowerpolysaccharide on proliferation and metastasis ofbreast cancer cells. In thecurrent study, cell viability was analyzed by MTTassay after treatment of MCF-7cells with increasing concentrations of safflowerpolysaccharide. The datademonstrated that the compound safflower polysaccharide obviously inhibited theproliferation of human breast cancercell line MCF-7, and the inhibitory effectswere enhanced in a dose and time dependent manner. Meanwhile,the IC50value of SPS was detected on breastcancer cells being treated for 72 hours byMTT assay and the IC50 value was calculated as 0.12mg/mL for 72h. Cellapoptosis rate was detected by flow cytometry in human breastcancer cell line MCF-7and the results revealled that safflower polysaccharidecould induce cellapoptosis of the breast cancer MCF-7 cells. The apoptosisrates of MCF-7 cellstreated by SPS were significantly higher than that of theuntreated cells, which increased with a dose-dependent manner. Next, theexpression of Bcl-2 wasdown regulated and Bax was up-regulated in MCF-7 cellswhich were treated by safflowerpolysaccharide in a time dependent manner.Additionally, the expression ofMMP-9 significantly decreased and the expressionof TIMP-1 increased in humanbreast cancer MCF-7 cells which were treated bysafflower polysaccharide. Theresults demonstrated that safflower polysaccharidecould inhibit the metastasisof breast cancer MCF-7 cells. Thus, it would helpto clarify the mechanisms andprovide new idea for breast cancer therapy. ResultBreastcancer accounts for 22.9% of all cancers in women inthe world. Safflowerpolysaccharide is the active fraction purified fromsafflower petals (Carthamustinctorius L.). The aim of our study is to explorethe effects of safflowerpolysaccharide on proliferation and metastasis ofbreast cancer cells. In thecurrent study, cell viability was analyzed by MTTassay after treatment of MCF-7cells with increasing concentrations of safflowerpolysaccharide. The datademonstrated that the compound safflower polysaccharide obviously inhibited theproliferation of human breast cancercell line MCF-7, and the inhibitory effectswere enhanced in a dose and timedependent manner. Meanwhile,the IC50value of SPS was detected on breastcancer cells being treated for 72 hours byMTT assay and the IC50 value wascalculated as 0.12mg/mL for 72h. Cellapoptosis rate was detected by flow cytometry in human breastcancer cell line MCF-7and the results revealled that safflower polysaccharidecould induce cellapoptosis of the breast cancer MCF-7 cells. The apoptosisrates of MCF-7 cellstreated by SPS were significantly higher than that of theuntreated cells, which increased with a dose-dependent manner. Next, theexpression of Bcl-2 wasdown regulated and Bax was up-regulated in MCF-7 cellswhich were treated by safflowerpolysaccharide in a time dependent manner.Additionally, the expression ofMMP-9 significantly decreased and the expressionof TIMP-1 increased in humanbreast cancer MCF-7 cells which were treated bysafflower polysaccharide. Theresults demonstrated that safflower polysaccharidecould inhibit the metastasisof breast cancer MCF-7 cells. Thus, it would helpto clarify the mechanisms andprovide new idea for breast cancer therapy. ConclusionBreastcancer accounts for 22.9% of all cancers in women inthe world. Safflowerpolysaccharide is the active fraction purified fromsafflower petals (Carthamustinctorius L.). The aim of our study is to explorethe effects of safflowerpolysaccharide on proliferation and metastasis ofbreast cancer cells. In thecurrent study, cell viability was analyzed by MTTassay after treatment of MCF-7cells with increasing concentrations of safflower polysaccharide. The data demonstratedthat the compound safflowerpolysaccharide obviously inhibited the proliferationof human breast cancercell line MCF-7, and the inhibitory effects were enhancedin a dose and timedependent manner. Meanwhile, the IC50 value of SPSwas detected on breastcancer cells being treated for 72 hours by MTT assay andthe IC50 value wascalculated as 0.12mg/mL for 72h. Cellapoptosis rate was detected by flow cytometry in human breastcancer cell line MCF-7and the results revealled that safflower polysaccharidecould induce cellapoptosis of the breast cancer MCF-7 cells. The apoptosisrates of MCF-7 cellstreated by SPS were significantly higher than that of theuntreated cells, which increased with a dose-dependent manner. Next, theexpression of Bcl-2 wasdown regulated and Bax was up-regulated in MCF-7 cellswhich were treated by safflowerpolysaccharide in a time dependent manner.Additionally, the expression ofMMP-9 significantly decreased and the expressionof TIMP-1 increased in humanbreast cancer MCF-7 cells which were treated bysafflower polysaccharide. Theresults demonstrated that safflower polysaccharidecould inhibit the metastasisof breast cancer MCF-7 cells. Thus, it would helpto clarify the mechanisms andprovide new idea for breast cancer therapy.

Key wordsBreastcancer    safflower polysaccharide   apoptosis

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