Invasive lobular carcinoma and Biological profile In Medical oncology department
PUBLISHED: 2015-11-27  1937 total views, 1 today

Selma Sakhri,  Rabah Ferhat

Department of Oncology, Tizi Ouzou Hospital Algeria


Objective:Invasive lobular cancers (ILC) constitute5%-15% of all invasive breast tumors, less common than invasive ductalcarcinoma (IDC), and appear to have a distinct biology. The aim of our study isto determine the ILC biological profile collected in the department of oncologymedical Tizi Ouzou hospital Algeria. Method: We recorded the cases of 73patients with ILC between January 2010 and January 2012. The aim of thisstudy is to evaluate the clinical and pathological response, molecularprofiling using RE, RP, KI67, HER2, and the follow up between(2012- 2014). Result:The average age of patients with ILC is 52 years, 40% women havepostmenopausal status, all patients underwent mammography, diagnosed by a coreneedle biopsy, the commonest stage at presentation was stage III (42%). 10patients (13%) underwent a breast conserving surgery, and 87% a mastectomy. Themajority of cases were histologic grade II (SBR II), 50% of the tumors wereestrogen and progesterone receptor positive, Her2 neu was reported to benegative in 60%. The treatment consisted on: neoadjuvant chemotherapyin 28 cases (38%), adjuvant chemotherapy in 42cases (57%),following by radiotherapy, and hormonal therapy (HT) was given to 47patients (64%), and target therapy to 40% the follow up after 2 years, 12%had metastatic or loco regional recurrence: bone (60%), lung (30%),and liver in (10%), 88% of the cases remain in complete remission. Conclusion:ILC are a heterogeneous group of tumors and the management decisions shouldbe based on individual patient and biologic characteristic of the tumor.


Key Words: lobular carcinoma  biology follow up

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