Clinical Research of Breast Carcinoma in Young Females
PUBLISHED: 2015-11-27  1785 total views, 2 today

Min Liu, Bailong Liu, Bin Liu, XueyingBao, Tiankai Xu, Shuo Yang, Qiang Wang, Lihua Dong

Department of Radiation Oncology, the First Hospital,Jilin University


Objective:Breast carcinoma in young females (noelder than 35 years old) has its unique clinicopathological features andprognosis comparing with elder counterparts. Our research is to identify theclinicopathological characteristics and prognosis of this special entity. Method:We retrospectively reviewed all the female patients treated in ourdepartment from September, 2009 to July, 2014. 77 young individuals (no elderthan 35) were enrolled. Data were retrieved according to characteristics suchas age at diagnosis, maximum diameter of the primary lesion, lesion side,pathology, molecular type, treatment strategy, progression free survival (PFS)and overall survival (OS). The follow-up time ranged from 3 to 80 months. Result:The mean patient age at diagnosis was 31.35 years (range, 23-35). The meansize of the primary tumor was 74px (range, 0.25-10). Only 1 patient wasbilateral breast carcinoma. Invasive ductal carcinoma was the most commonpathological type, accounting for 89.47% of the cohort. Luminal type was the mostcommon molecular type, accounting for 71.01% of the cohort. The second wastriple-negative, composing 21.74%. Her-2 overexpression type only accounted for7.25%. 57.34% of the patients underwent modified radical mastectomy while37.33% underwent breast conserving surgery. 32.89%, 81.58%, 47.37% and 98.70%of the cohort received neoadjuvant chemotherapy, adjuvant chemotherapy,endocrine therapy and radiotherapy respectively. The median PFS was 16 months.The 5y- survival rate was 86.53%. Conclusion: Luminal type is the mostcommon molecular type of breast carcinoma in young females. Multidisciplinarytreatments contribute to the improvement of prognosis.


Key Words: breast carcinoma  young female

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