Mammographic calcification and corresponding histopathological features in breas
PUBLISHED: 2015-11-27  1886 total views, 1 today

Li-pingZhu, Tao Wu, Wen-wen Dong

Department of Breast Surgery, The Affiliated Tumor Hospitalof XinJiang Medical University

Objective:The application of mammography benefitsmore and more patients by an increased detection of smaller invasive tumors,and it would be helpful if mammography could be used in determining prognosis.Accumulating clinical evidence indicates that calcification may be regarded asan important prognostic indicator in breast carcinoma. Therefore, thecorrelations between calcification and the corresponding hisopathologicalfeatures and known prognostic factors are considered most important in hot spotof research in mammographic assessment. The purpose of our study was toevaluate the correlation between calcification and possible risk factors inbreast cancer, and further, to confirm which corresponding factors are morelikely relevant with regard to the calcification in breast carcinoma. Method:A retrospective case-control study was applied in our research, whichincluded 256 cases with different pathological types. All cases were selectedfrom January 2012 to December 2014 by pathological diagnosis, among which,there were 90 cases with ductal carcinoma in situ, 8 cases with invasivelobular carcinoma, 107 cases with infiltrating ductal carcinoma, 23 cases with papillarycarcinoma, 7 cases of medullary carcinoma, and 21 cases with mucous carcinoma. Preoperativebreast X-ray information was collected, and the clinical data of patients wasobtained through the case retrieval system. According to the data collectionand analysis, the correlation between calcification and the pathological typeof breast cancer and molecular expression {estrogen receptor (ER) and progesteronereceptor (PR) and human epidermal growth factor gene (HER-2)} was obtained. Result:Multivariate analysis of Clinical/Pathological features between calcified andnon-calcified patients showed that there were significant difference betweenHER-2(P=0.042, OR=1.441, 1.013-2.10), DCIS (P=0.011, OR=5.269,1.463-18.9) and calcification. The marginal significance was found in intrinsicsubtype (Erb-B2 P=0.061) and Nationality (Uyghur P=0.085). Conclusion:The calcification group had higher positive rate of HER-2 expression, DCIS pathologicaltype was more likely present with calcification. There was slight relevancebetween calcification and Uyghur, Erb-B2 breast intrinsic subtype and IDC pathologicaltype. Future studies should investigate the role of predicting invasive diseaseof calcification in patients with DCIS, and if calcification in breast cancercan work as a prognostic index, also, find the molecular pathwaysinterconnecting calcification genes with breast carcinoma.


KeyWords: Calcification  Histopathological  Breast Carcinoma

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