Hong Yu, Yulong Jin, Na Di, Chunying He, Tianxue
Jilin Province Tumor Hospital
Objective:To evaluate variation in lymphocyte
subgroups in peripheral blood and its clinical significance in breast neoplasms
patients. Method: Levels of CD3+, CD4+, CD8+,
CD4+/CD8+, NK, NKT, CD8+CD28+, CD8+CD28-,
CD3+HLA-DR+, CD3-HLA-DR+ and Treg
cells in peripheral blood of breast neoplasms cases and healthy adults were
determined by flow cytometry. Result: CD3+, CD8+,
NK, and CD8+CD28+ cells in patients group were decreased
significantly in comparison with the control group (CD3+:
65.00±10.49 vs. 71.34±12.10, CD8+: 24.91±8.85 vs.29.73±11.14, NK:
15.58±8.18 vs. 21.68±10.34, CD8+CD28+: 10.42±5.72
vs. 13.29±3.84, P < 0.05, respectively), and decreased with increase
in the clinical stage, while CD4+ cells and CD4+/CD8+ratio demonstrated no significant change (CD4+: 40.45±9.40 vs.
38.57±10.64, CD4+/CD8+: 1.71±0.98 vs.1.91±1.04, P>0.05,
respectively). Treg cells were significantly more frequent than in the control
group (5.12±2.06 vs. 3.81±1.62, P<0.01), and increased with the
clinical stage. No differences were found between the patients and control group
with respect to the other lymphocyte subgroups. In patient group, the percentage
of CD8+CD28- cells among lymphocytes was elevated, and
there was also an increase in the CD28-/CD28+ cell ratio
among CD8 lymphocyte population (1.52±2.08 vs. 1.23±1.06, P<0.05). Conclusion:The cellular immune function of the breast neoplasms patients is lowered.
It is important to detect change of T lymphocyte subgroups by flow cytometry
for the diagnosis, treatment and prognostic assessment of tumor patients. These
findings should be complemented with further studies.
Words: breast neoplasms lymphocyte subset tumor immunity
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