A Clinical Comparison Research of Breast Carcinoma in Young and Old Females of C
PUBLISHED: 2015-11-27  1660 total views, 1 today

Min Liu, BailongLiu, Bin Liu, Xueying Bao, Shuo Yang, Qiang Wang, Lihua Dong

Department of Radiation Oncology, First Hospital,Jilin University

Objective:Whether breast carcinoma of different agegroups has different clinicopathological characteristics are unclear. Thisstudy is to clarify clinicopathological features and prognosis in the young andold patients and help to expand our understanding of breast carcinoma. Method:We retrospectively reviewed all the female patients treated in our departmentfrom September, 2009 to July, 2014. Among the 962 female breast carcinoma patients,77 young individuals (no elder than 35) and 35 old patients (elder than 60)were enrolled. Data were retrieved according to characteristics such as maximumdiameter of the primary lesion, lesion side, pathology, molecular type,treatment strategy, progression free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS).The follow-up time ranged from 1 to 132 months. Result: There was nosignificant difference on the aspects of primary tumor size, site and the rateof lymphovascular invasion between the young and old groups. Invasive ductalcarcinoma was the most common pathological type and luminal type was the mostcommon molecular type in the young and old groups, accounting for 89.47% vs. 88.56%,           71.01% vs. 59.37%, respectively. The proportion of triple negative type inthe two groups was almost the same (21.74% vs.21.88%). The Her-2 overexpression type in the old group was higher than that inthe young group (18.75% vs. 7.25%).In the old group, more patients underwent modified radical mastectomy (68.57% vs. 57.34%) while less individuals performedbreast conserving surgery (25.71% vs.37.33%). Less patients in the old group received neoadjuvant and adjuvantchemotherapy than its counterpart (8.58% vs.32.89%, 32.35% vs. 81.58%) while moreindividuals underwent endocrine therapy (71.88% vs. 47.37%). The progression free survival (PFS) in the young groupwas poorer than that in the old group (16 months vs. 36 months). Young patients of breast carcinoma had an inferior5-year overall survival rate than that of old individuals (86.53% vs. 100%). Conclusion: The youngbreast carcinoma patients have similar clinicopath- ological features with old patients.However, young individuals have a much poorer survival. Age is an independent prognosticfactor in breast carcinoma. Gene analyses should be performed to clarify thedifference between the young and old breast carcinoma.


KeyWords: clinicopathological features  breast carcinoma

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