Wenjie Zhu1, Ying Fan2, Mei Liu3, Ningzhi Xu3, Binghe Xu2
1Department of Medical
Oncology, Cancer Hospital and Institute, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences
and Peking union Medical College, 2Department of Medical
Oncology, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking union Medical
College, 3Laboratory of Cell and
Molecular Biology & State Key Laboratory of Molecular Oncology, Chinese
Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking union Medical College
Objective:Paradigm shifts to neoadjuvant
chemotherapy (NACT) for locally advanced and operable breast cancer. Hormone
receptor (HR)-positive and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2
(HER2)-negative breast cancer is less responsive to NACT compared to other
intrinsic subtypes. Predictors of sensitivity to NACT need to be identified for
this subgroup so as to save non-responders from chemotherapy-induced toxicities
and potential risk of distant metastasis. Circulating miRNAs have been
indicated as predictive biomarker in breast cancer. Method: Patients
with primary HR-positive/HER2-negative breast cancer, who were enrolled in a
randomized neoadjuvant clinical trial (ClincalTrials.gov NCT02041338), were
included and divided into sensitive and insensitive groups based on their
responses to NACT as assessed by RESIST v1.1 criteria. We prospectively
collected blood samples before random assignment, after two cycles of
chemotherapy and before definitive surgery. Baseline and preoperative miRNA
profiling of responders and non-responders were compared to reveal candidate
miRNAs. Dynamic evaluation of candidate miRNA level in serial plasma was
performed by qRT-PCR in the validation cohort. Result: By miRNA array,
notable inter-group difference was observed in the level of seven miRNAs at
baseline (let-7e, let-7c, miR-20b,miR-26a, miR-222, miR-145 and miR-146a),
which further expanded after completion of NACT. For another set of miRNAs
(let-7b, miR-9, miR-184, miR-19b,miR-20a and miR-451), the levels before
surgery were markedly different between two groups though similar at baseline.
Of those, the variation trends of four candidate miRNAs were evaluated in the
validation cohort (n=29). MiR-222 was highly expressed in the insensitive group
initially and further upregulated with the accumulation of chemotherapy cycles.
No significant difference in baseline expression was detected between groups
but chemotherapy induced a progressive up- (miR-9 and miR-20a) or
down-regulation (miR-451) in the resistant cases. Conclusion: High
expression of miR-222 in baseline plasma was indicative of resistance to NACT.
Decreased expression of miR-451 or elevated levels of miR-9 and miR-20a in
plasma following administration of chemotherapy predicted poor response. We
described for the first time that serial measurement of circulating miRNAs
might help predict sensitivity to NACT in breast cancer. This inexpensive and
non-invasive strategy for monitoring response would promisingly optimize the
tailored management of patients with breast cancer.
Words: circulating miRNAs breast cancer neoadjuvant chemotherapy
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