Depression Reduces Progression-free Survival of Platinum-based Chemotherapy in P
PUBLISHED: 2015-11-26  1827 total views, 1 today

Wu Yufeng1, Ruirui Si2

1Department of InternalMedicine, Affiliated cancer hospital of Zhengzhou University, Henan Cancer Hospital, 2Department of Clinical Laboratory Medicine, Shanghai Tenth People's Hospital of Tongji University


Objective:As a poor prognostic cancer, lung cancerwhich has serious impact on psychological of patients. The patient offeninvoled in a state of depressionor anxiety when cancer diagnosed, and severelyaffecting the quality of life and prescription compliance. The current studywas under taken to delineate the role of depression, a state of mindfluctuations during platinum-based chemotherapy, and its impact on theprognosis of patients with lung adenocarcinoma. Method: All patients,seen for a newly diagnosed lung adenocarcinoma, received acopy of theSelf-rating Depression Scale (SDS) and platinum-based chemotherapy, Demographicdata were collected retrospectively and included age, smoking history, and daysof Progression-free Survival (PFS). Result: 98 patients were willing tocomplete the SDS questionnaire the day before platinum-based chemotherapy, 46had an SDS index less 50 (nodepression), while 52 were moderately or severelydepressed (SDS index >50). Our results showed that the Progression-freesurvival of depressed patients was significantly lower (P=0.032).Diverse SDS subscales were analysis, and SDS item19, "I feel that otherswould be better off if I were dead", emerged as the most significantcorrelation. Conclusion: Based on this evidence, it appears that arelationship does exist between patients depression and prognosis, at least inlung adenocarcinoma. Further research are need to clarify the impact ofdepression on subgroups of cancer chemotherapy.


Key Words: Depression  Progression-free Survival  Lung Adenocarcinoma

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