Analysis of Prognostic Factors in 154 Patients with Small Cell Lung Cancer
PUBLISHED: 2015-11-26  1915 total views, 1 today

Zongyu Wang, Qingming Shi

Oncology, Ahui Chest Hopital


Objective:To evaluate the survival of patients with small cell lung cancer and analyze the prognostic factors in these patients. Method:Clinical data were collected from 154 patients with small cell lung cancer who were diagonosed by histopathology or cytology. The prognostic factors which may influenced survival time were analyzed by Kaplan- Meier, Cox multivariate proportional hazards model and Log-rank test. Result: The 1-year survival rate was 84.0% in limited disease (LD) patients, and 54.9% in extensive disease (ED) patients, and 65.6% in all patients. The median survival time (MST) of LD-SCLC was 24 months and 13 months in ED-SCLC, 15 months in all the patients respectively. ② Univariate analyses indicated  that male and thoracic radiotherapy benefited the survival In LD-SCLC and sex, liver metastases, the cycle number of chemotherapy and thoracic radiotherapy significantly influenced survival in ED-SCLC. ③ Multivariate analyses suggested that liver metastasesand the cycle number of chemotherapy were independent prognostic factors. ④In all patients sex and stage may  influenced survival. Liver metastases, the cycle number of chemotherapy and thoracic radiotherapy were the independent prognostic factors.Conclusion: The survival time is related to sex and stage, liver metastases, the cycle number of chemotherapy and thoracic radiotherapy were the independent prognostic factors.


Key Words: Small Cell Lung Cancer  Survival  Prognosis

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