The role of antituberculosis treatment in patients with coexistence of lung canc
PUBLISHED: 2015-11-26  1866 total views, 4 today

Qingming Shi, Mei Chai

Oncology, Anhui chest hospital


Objective:The effects of antituberculosis treatmentin patients with coexistence of lung cancer and pulmonary tuberculosis has notbeen known well. The aim of this study was to investigate the curative and sideeffects of antituberculosis treatment in lung cancer patients with co-morbidpulmonary tuberculosis. Method: In a retrospective study, lung cancerpatients with pulmonary tuberculosis, admitted to the oncology from January2008 to December 2014, were identified and divided into groups based ontreatment or not with antituberculosis treatment. Data were collected on eachpatient about general information, curative and side effects. Result: 48lung cancer patients with pulmonary tuberculosis receiving antituberculosistreatment and 60 control subjects were enrolled. No difference in basic status,histological type and stage of lung cancer were observed between two groups.Compared with patients no receiving antituberculosis treatment, active and new-onsetpulmonary tuberculosis were obviously higher in patients with antituberculosistreatment (83.35% vs. 0% and 54.2% vs. 21.7%, respectively). There were nosignificant differences in anticancer chemotherapy between two groups. Theproportion of completion of the expected antituberculosis chemotherapy was81.2%. Pulmonary tuberculosis deteriorated in only 2.1% patients receivingantituberculosis treatment. Compared with patients without antituberculosistreatment, there was a trend of increasing response rate and median survivaltime in patients receiving antituberculosis treatment (83.3% vs. 65% and 56weeks vs. 52weeks, respectively). There were no significant differences inadverse events observed between two groups. Conclusion: To lung cancerpatients with pulmonary tuberculosis, antituberculosis treatment can be carriedout at the same time with anticancer chemotherapy, may increase the therapeuticeffect, and does not increase the side effects.


Key Words: lung cancer  pulmonary tuberculosis  treatment

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