Chunhua Wei, Qian Cai, Ruiguang
Zhang, Xiaorong Dong, Gang Wu
Oncology department, union hospital of huazhong
university of science and technology
Objective:Over the past decades, Lung cancer has
located the first place of world-wide tumorigenic incidence and been the
leading reason of death caused by cancers, and the subtype of non-small cell
lung cancer (NSCLC) takes 80%-85%.what's more, brain metastasis is the highest
reason of poor prognosis, recurrence, and death in NSCLC patients. It is
therefore essential to unravel the biomakers and molecular mechanisms that
govern disease progression to metastasis, while previous studies haven't shown
functional evidence in tumor development. Recently MicroRNAs (miRs), endogenous
non-coding RNAs, are reported to be involved in tumourigenesis. Aberrant DNA
hypermethylation contributes to cancer progression. Our study is to explore
predictive biomakers and molecular mechanisms in NSCLC brain metastasis
patients. Method: RNA extracted from 122 patients’ blood, including
brain metastasis from 62 newly diagnosed NSCLC patients and non- brain
metastasis from 60 NSCLC patients, was analysed by real-time PCR to detect the
differential expression in several MicroRNAs. Cox regression analysis and
microarray profiling were performed to select miR-330-3p as a target. Lentivirus
over expressing and down regulating miR-330-3p respectively was transfected
into A549 and Hcc827 NSCLC cells. RT-PCR was applied to examine transfective
rate and analyse DNMT1, DNMT3A, DNMT3B levels in groups. Western blot was used
to explore molecular mechanisms at protein levels. In vitro, wound healing
assay, trnswell, Proliferation, apoptosis and cell cycle assays were performed
to demonstrate the effect of miR-330-3p on NSCLC cells. Measurement of global
DNA methylation levels was used to illustrate whether miR-330-3p affect tumorgenisis.
In vivo, tumor xenograft model was established seperatelly infecting cells
ubcutaneously into nude mice forearm and the heart. In vivo animal imaging
technology was applied. Bcl-2, caspase-3, PCNA and CyclinD1 was
immunohistochemically verified. Result: Real-time PCR demonstrated
miR-330-3p played a marked role in NSCLC brain metastasis compared with NSCLC
patients without brain metastasis. In vitro assays exhibit miR-330-3p can
promote proliferative, migrative and invasive in A549 and Hcc827 cell lines. Flow
cytometry, western blot and Immunohistochemical manifest that miR-330-3p shows
an anti-apoptosic role in lung cancer cells. Global DNA methylation levels in
A549 and Hcc827 cell lines Over expressing miR-330-3p were up-regulated and
those cells after down-regulating miR-330-3p showed low global c.RT-PCR indicates
that DNMT1 and DNMT3A are positive correlated with miR-330-3p, that is DNMT1
and DNMT3A remarkbly affect DNA methylation levels. In vivo assays suggest that
miR-330-3p can induce the tumorigenic and metastasic ability. Conclusion: Our
work led to the identification of a novel functional pathway, controlled by
miR-330-3p and including its direct targets BMI1, GRIA3, SOSTDC and AGTR2 as
well as multiplesurface proteins, that coordinates metastasis formation in a
lung cancer metastasis model, represented by the A549 and Hcc 827 cell lines.
Considering these results, we can conclude that the pathway including miR- and
its modulated genes is able to coordinate NSCLC progression and could be
considered for therapeutic intervention.
Words: miR-330-3p
DNA methylation GRIA3
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