Consolidation Chemotherapy may Improve Survival for Patients with Locally Advanc
PUBLISHED: 2015-11-26  1923 total views, 1 today

Lipin Liu1, Nan Bi2, Zhe Ji2, Junling Li2, Jingbo Wang2Xiaozhen Wang2, Zhouguang Hui2, Jima Lv2, Jun Liang2,  Zongmei Zhou2, Yan Wang2, Weibo Yin2, Luhua Wang2

 1Department of RadiationOncology, Cancer Hospital and Institute, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences& Peking union   Medical College, 2Chinese Academy ofMedical

Sciences & Peking union   Medical College, CancerHospital and Institute


Objective:For patients with locally advancednon-small-cell lung cancer (LA-NSCLC), the role of consolidation chemotherapy(CCT) following concurrent chemoradiotherapy (CRT) is partially defined. The aimof this study was to evaluate the efficacy and toxicity of CCT. Method: Thecharacteristics of LA-NSCLC patients treated with curative concurrent CRT from2001 to 2010 were retrospectively reviewed. Result: Among 203 patients,113 (55.7%) patients received CCT. The median number of delivered CCT was 3 and89.4% patients completed ≥2 cycles. The OS was significantly better forpatients in the CCT group compared with that in the non-CCT group (median OS,27 months vs. 16 months; 5-year OS, 30.4% vs. 22.5%; P=0.012).The medianPFS were 12 months in the CCT group and 9 months in the non-CCT group (P=0.291).The survival advantages of CCT were significant for males (HR: 0.63; 95% CI,0.44−0.90), patients with age (HR: 0.63; 95% CI, 0.42−0.95), non-squamous histology(HR: 0.44; 95% CI, 0.25−0.76), pretreatment KPS≥80 (HR: 0.67; 95% CI,0.48−0.93), stage IIIb (HR: 0.64; 95% CI, 0.43−0.95) and SD (HR: 0.31; 95% CI,0.14−0.65). The risk of grade≥3 hematological toxicities was higher in the CCTgroup than in the non-CCT group, though not significant (45.1% vs. 34.4%; P=0.123).Conclusion: CCT might further prolong survival compared with CRT alonefor LA-NSCLC without increasing treatment-related toxicities, especially formales, patients with age.


Key Words: Locally advancednon-small-cell lung cancer  Consol

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