Survival analysis of non-small cell lung cancer using TKI treatment---- A multi-
PUBLISHED: 2015-11-26  2052 total views, 3 today

Maojing Guan1, Qingming Shi1, Yong Wang2, Congjing Xu3Xianping Cheng4, Kangsheng Gu5, Lijuan Peng6, Minghong Bi7Dongsheng Pang8, Hui Liang9, Lei Tang4, Hesheng Qian10,  Guangming Wang10, Xiang Sun11, Maojing Guan1

1Oncology, Anhui chest hospital, 2Oncology, Anhui province hospital, 3Oncology, Huainan East Hospital, 4Oncology, No2.anhui province hospital, 5Oncology, The First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University, 6Oncology, No.1 hospital of hefei, 7oncology, The First Affiliated Hospital of Benbo Medical University, 8Oncology, No.116 hospital of anqing city, 9Oncology, Chinese tradtional hospital of luan city, 10Oncology, Fuyang Cancer Hospital, 11Oncology, No.1 hosptial of hefei city.

Objective:To assess differences in overall survivalamong patients with NSCLC using TKIs in first or second line treatmentand different TKIs. 

Method: Collecting patients’ data in CRF anduse SPSS software for statistical analysis. 

Result: 463 patients arefrom 16 hospitals in which 212 cases is male and 252 cases is female, with amedian age of 62 (22-93) years. Pathological types: adenocarcinoma 340 cases,48 cases of squamous cell carcinoma, large cell carcinoma 4 cases, 35 cases ofundifferentiated and other types of 26 cases. GFR mutation test: a totalof 130 cases were detected, the detection rate of 28.1%, of which 11 cases ofwild-type and 119 cases were mutant. Stage: IIIa of the nine cases, IIIb of 48cases, IVa of 152 cases, and IVb of 243 cases. Treatment: 37.1 % (172 cases)using TKIs as first-line treatment while 47.5% (220 cases) using TKIs as second-linetreatment and 14.4% (67patients) in three-line treatment. The median age offirst-line and second-line are respectively 68 (34-93) and 59 (22-85) years, P=0.000;and the two groups have no difference in KPS score before treatment (P=0.307).68% of all patients are adenocarcinoma in first-line group while 81.8% insecond-line group and the difference is meaningful (P=0.001). One yearoverall survival rate of first and second-line group are 20.4% versus 28.8%while two-year overall survival was 5.7 versus 11.1%, and the comparisonbetween the two is statistically significant (P=0.04). Survival: Of allpatients using TKI drugs 1, 2, 3 year(s) survival is respectively 56.2%, 27.9%,17.3%; of patients using gefitinib is 62%, 31.9%, 20.4%; of patients usingerlotinib is 63.2%, 29.5%, 18.5%; of patients using icotinib is 39.8%, 20%,11.7%. 

Conclusion: 1. In this survey of patients, the overall survivalof patients using TKIs as first-line treatment is inferior compared withsecond-line owing to older patients and the low proportion of adenocarcinoma.2. The survival benefit is clearer in erlotinib and gefitinib than icotinib.


Key Words: lung cancer  Tyrosine kinase inhibitor  Survival analysis

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