The Advanced Clinical Trial Workshop China-II has been held in Guangzhou.
PUBLISHED: 2013-01-07   3272 total views, 1 today

The Advanced Clinical Trial Workshop China-II (ACT-China II) has been held in Guangzhou from 30th November to 2nd December in partnership with Chinese Society of Clinical Oncology (CSCO), American Society of Clinical Oncology and the Society of Translational Oncology (STO), USA. This training has been invited more than 10  domestic and foreign experts to give lectures, 40 experts from tumor drug clinical research institutions, 10 domestic and foreign tumor drug manufacturers in medical department or research and development center in listening to lectures and group discussion. The content of the training involved in tumor drug clinical research and the issues about tumor drug clinical research. 

Courseware online watch: 

Review and Prospect of Clinical Oncology:  

    Delegates in the class  

Professor Yi-long Wu Yilongdelivered a speech

Group photo             

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