Call for abstracts for ASCO Breakthrough in August 3-5, Japan!
PUBLISHED: 2023-02-09   3581 total views, 2 today


Abstract Submission Deadline: April 11 at 11:59 PM(ET): Submit an Abstract

Hotel Reservation and Early Registration Deadline: June 28 at11:59 PM (ET):Register

Reduced Abstract Submission Fee

ASCO is offering a reduced abstract submission fee for this meeting.

Abstracts Published in the Journal ofClinical Oncology

Abstracts of superior quality will be selected by the ASCO Breakthrough Program Committee for presentation at the 2023 ASCO Breakthrough Meeting and for publication in the 2023 ASCO Breakthrough Proceedings, a supplement to the JCO Global Oncology.

Manuscript Development Workshop

Presenters of accepted abstracts will be eligible to attend a pre-meeting Manuscript Development Workshop held on Wednesday, August 2 (included in the cost of registration).


Travel Awards of up to $1,000 (USD) each will begranted to the presenting authors of the 40 highest-rated abstracts selectedfor presentation. The presenting author must participate in the meetingin-person to be eligible for the travel award. Recipients will be notified inlate May 2023.

Merit Awards

Opportunities for early career investigators to obtain merit awards to support their attendance to the meeting to highlight their research will also be available. Merit Award candidates must apply for this award at the time of abstract submission.

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