CSCO is proud to announce the publication of the memo Special Issue ESMO Asia 2015 report.
PUBLISHED: 2017-03-03   3823 total views, 1 today

This edition of memo inOncology SPECIAL ISSUE summarises the latestto come out of the lung cancer field from the Annual Meeting of the ESMO Asia2015 Congress. It includes a summary of second line treatment options followingerlotinib, gefitinib and afatinib therapy in EGFR positive disease, provides updatesfrom the fast-moving immunotherapy field, and lots more.

The memo Special Issue report is produced by Springer, as asupplement of memo (the Magazine of European Medical Oncology), and supported withan unrestricted educational grant by Boehringer Ingelheim. Formore information on the memo inOncology Special Issue series, and for freeaccess to all previous editions, visit the memo-inOncology website.  

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